There are various types of wooden floors. Some require more maintenance and some require less. However, there are some general principles that apply to looking after all kinds of wooden floors so that you get the longest possible life out of them.
We at Wood Craft Flooring offer complete flooring solutions for any home, including solid timber, hardwood, laminate, hybrid, and engineered flooring. Whatever the case, wood-style floors require some special care.
Here are some tips and advice for looking after your wood floors and ensuring they remain in good condition for years to come.
Clean Messes Immediately
It’s unavoidable that at some point you will spill something on your floors. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a glass of water or something sticky, spills happen ‒ especially if you have children and pets.
However, the faster you dry your wood floor, the better. Wood tends to swell or shrink as it gets wet and then dries, which can cause warping. So to ensure the shape of your wood floors remains intact, it is strongly advised that you wipe up any wet spills as fast as possible. Furthermore, do not use steamers to clean a wooden floor. Generally, any very wet mop should also be avoided as well.
Protect The Floor From Furniture
While wooden floors are pretty hardy, heavy furniture can cause scratches and dents if you’re not careful. While some scratches can’t be avoided, much of them can be prevented ‒ especially heavy scratches and indentations.
One of the best ways to prevent furniture from scratching your floors or causing permanent indents is to add furniture pads underneath the legs of your chairs, tables, sofas and other heavy furniture ‒ particularly furniture with thin legs, as these can dig into the flooring, causing permanent indentations.
Sweep, Dust And Vacuum Regularly
Vacuuming ensures that this unhygienic collection of dust, hair and mites is controlled in a hygienic manner. Sweeping daily is effective, although one should definitely vacuum at least once a week.
It might seem like obvious advice to some and overkill to others, but wooden flooring attracts much dust, which settles between the cracks in the boards and the grain and needs constant cleaning.
Use Proper Wood Floor Cleaner
Lastly, it is important that you use proper wood floor cleaner products regularly to ensure that the floors are properly maintained. There are various cleaners available depending on the type of floor that you have. This should go hand in hand with periodic refinishing of the floor every few years.
Some floor cleaners include special compounds that complement oiled woods and ensure they are maintained. However, the wrong kinds of cleaners can end up staining or drying out the wood in an unattractive manner, so be sure to purchase and use approved wood floor cleaning products.
If unsure, speak to your complete flooring solutions provider. We at Wood Craft Flooring have a range of carefully chosen and formulated floor cleaning products, and we can advise you on the correct chemical methods and techniques required. Contact us now for a range of services, from wood floor maintenance to restoration to new floor installations.